• Create Security Template Windows 7

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    Create Security Template Windows 7

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    Windows 7 Security Primer (Part 1)If you would like to read the other parts in this article series please go to: Introduction. Windows 7 is Microsoft’s latest desktop- based client operating system which builds on the strengths and weaknesses of its predecessors, Windows XP and Windows Vista. Every aspect of the base operating system as well as the services it runs and how it manages the applications loaded within it has been reviewed and made more secure if possible. All services have been enhanced and new security options making it more reliable. Aside from basic system enhancements and new services, Windows 7 delivers more security functionality, enhanced auditing and monitoring capabilities and the ability to encrypt remote connections and your data, Windows 7 also has newly developed internal protection enhancements to secure system internals such as Kernel Patch Protection, Service Hardening, Data Execution Prevention, Address Space Layout Randomization, and Mandatory Integrity Levels. Windows 7 is designed to be used securely.

    For one, it was developed Microsoft. Windows 7 has many helpful security- based toolsets contained within, but it is only when Windows 7 is used with Windows Server 2. R2) and Active Directory, that it turns into a bullet- proof vest. By leveraging additional security from tools such as Group Policy, you can control every aspect of desktop security. If Windows 7 is used mainly for your home office or personal use, it can still be secured to prevent many current methods of hacking and attacking and can be restored quickly if disaster does in fact strike, so although beneficial, Windows 2.

    Create Security Template Windows 7

    Windows 7. You should also consider that Windows 7 is inherently secure, but it does not necessarily mean that you should rely on the default configuration without making any adjustments to extend your security coverage. You should also consider that you will eventually be subjected to some form of malware or Internet- based attack when the computer is being utilized on any public network. If a computer is used for any type of public Internet access, your system and the network on which it is connected, becomes opened up to possible attack. In this article, we will cover the fundamentals you need to know to secure Windows 7 correctly, achieve a baseline level of security, review advanced security configurations and explore some of the lesser known security functionality Windows 7 provides in order to prevent or protect against a possible attack. We will also look at the many ways you can safeguard your data and get back up and running quickly if you do in fact suffer from some form of attack or catastrophic system malfunction you cannot recover from. This article introduces the concepts of security, how to harden Windows 7, how to install and provide security for your running applications, how to manage security on a Windows 7 system and how to prevent the problems caused by malware. This article also covers the process of safeguarding your data, the backup and recovery operating system features, how to restore your operating system to a previous state and ways to recover you data and system state if a disaster does occur.

    We also cover strategies to do it quickly. Topics are also covered on how to work safely while working online or over the Internet, how to configure biometric control for advanced access control and how Windows 7, and when used with Windows Server 2.

    Active Directory), how you can securely integrated more options for control, management and monitoring. The goal of this article is to familiarize you with Windows 7 security features, enhancements and their application as well as to give you some insight on how to plan for and apply these security features correctly. The concepts we cover are divided up and organized in a building- block approach. Note: If working in a corporate or other professional environment, do not make adjustments to your company’s computer.

    Make sure you work within the published security plan (or policy), published best practices, principles and/or guidelines. If you are unfamiliar with security topics and Microsoft products, read the production documentation before applying any changes to your system. Basic Security Considerations. Before we dig into the specifics of Windows 7, it is important that we first introduce the basic concepts of security and how to plan for the application of it. We will also need to know why monitoring is crucial to maintain security and how to correctly monitor security services for problems. It is also important to know how to monitor security and discover if you are open to a potential attack.

    Security is not something you haphazardly plan for and then quickly apply. It is a concept that must be applied to every technical aspect of your deployment, as well as a practice to live by. It is also something that must be thought out well before deployment and then monitored and managed after it is applied. Managing security requires analysis work to fine tune the current security architecture, as well as to uncover potential attacks. Most times, your security will be tested by an attacker or malicious program to find access and in this process; you can potentially protect yourself proactively if you can see the attempts and do something about it. Through logging and then auditing, you can find out information about what is querying your router login prompts, administrator account login attempts and more.

    Logs and alerts are helpful so that when something does go wrong, you can react to it quickly and correctly via analyzing source IP addresses, or attempts at login caught by auditing. Responding to an attack with a detailed plan is called . Being prepared is the key to incident response so having a proactive plan and reactive plan are critical to have in place before disaster strikes. A Disaster Recovery Plan . So, for home users and stand alone systems, you should follow this same strategy but at a simplified level. You still need to secure things, and react to disaster, so a good plan created in advance to the disaster will go a long way in getting you back on your feet quickly.

    If that is the case, then you need assigned team members, detailed steps (or a checklist) and procedures in place before the disaster so that you can react to it correctly and a testing process to ensure that everything is done correctly after recovery takes place. Having access to, or a copy of the installation files or any other programs and applications in place beforehand saves time and the plan, if set up correctly, can point you in the right direction towards all the tools you need when the clock starts counting down. You should also revisit your plans often, especially after a critical issue or outage, with action items added if needed.

    Once your plan is in place, you should consider building upon your foundation with more security functionality and services. Tip: Security should be considered and applied to any system or service in use so that you can mitigate the risks associated with attacks coming from any one of them while in use. And if security is applied in a way that you can proactively prevent (or recover from) an attack or disaster of any kind from occurring in the first place, you have less to react to and manage. Security, even at its most basic application level must be applied in order to keep your personal data secure so that if you do need to completely reinstall Windows from scratch, you can re- apply your data afterwards so that it can be accessed and utilized. Security cannot be ignored. You should also consider deploying security both conceptually and technically using the Defense in Depth security concept. Security must be considered and applied to all systems, services, applications and network equipment, keeping your system up and running and also connected to the Internet for use.

    Posted policies and developed plans keep users of the systems productive, and aware of general use policies. Continued upkeep will keep your investment growing.

    To prevent holes in your security architecture, you must consider planning for and applying a security model that utilizes the concept of . Figure 1 shows the application of defense in depth at a very simplistic level, you can (and should) of course add more layers depending on how your home or corporate network is set up.

    Figure 1: Viewing how Defense in Depth is Conceptualized and Deployed. Defense in Depth as seen here can be customized to your needs. In this example, a security policy is needed to provide security- based direction and communication to the users of the systems and network.

    Also, hardening your systems, phones, desktops, services, applications, servers, routers, switches and PBX should all be considered to ensure that all points of entry are covered. It would also make sense to have some form of public Internet protection (such as a firewall) in place if in use, but always expand on that and add other items such as probes, filters and scanners for more granular support. You will also need a way to monitor and log all of this information for review if needed. Windows 7 was also designed to be integrated and used in any environment that must comply with a high level of security, such as the U. S. Government and the U.

    S. When considering basic Windows security principles, it’s important to remember that any enterprise level system must be certified with the C2 level of security from the Orange Book. Microsoft Windows also needs to comply with the Common Criteria Certification. For more information on these topics, you can find other articles and more information at the end of this article in the Reference Links section. Windows 7 is also extremely flexible, with many options to configure a system with complete functionality (minimal security), or one locked down to the point of basic operation, and only operations you configure for use (maximum security).

    With Windows 2. 00.

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